Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Precise reason for health benefits of dark chocolate: Thank hungry gut microbes

 Precise reason for health benefits of dark chocolate: Thank hungry gut microbes
So we have all heard that dark chocolate is good for you, well that is in moderation. But do you know why it is good for you? Well it seems that researchers have found out why it is good for us. Well there are certain bacteria in our stomach eat the chocolate and ferment it into anti-inflammatory compounds that are good for our hearts. I never knew dark chocolate was good for our hearts, I was always told that chocolate was bad until I was 20 and they said dark chocolate is better for us. There are good and bad microbes in our guts the good ones like Bifidobacterium and lactic acid bacteria, which eats the chocolate in the stomach. They created a great experiment that is worth a read if I were to write it down I could write three pages. But they found that those microbes that ferment the chocolate create this anit Inflammatory substance and when absorbed into the blood it removes cholesterol in the heart values which can help you live longer just like they say a glass of red wine when your older at least once a day while help you live longer. So it seems when I get older ill be able to have my red wine and my dark chocolate that will help me live longer and have a better heart.

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